Sunday, November 22, 2009

Couple didn't crash White House dinner, husband says

Tareq Salahi said Tuesday he and his wife "did not party-crash" a White House state dinner last week, but the White House administration says that the couple attended the party when they were not invited and were only allowed in through a breach in security. Tareq and his wife have said that the aftermath of this night, with the couple being portrayed as "Party Crashers," it has been devastating for them, but they stand strong in there statement, "The truth will come out soon." At the same time, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Tuesday the Salahis were not on an invitation list of guests. In an interview he stated that they were defiantly crashing the get together. The Salahis said they believed they had an emailed invitation, but the supposed woman who they though they got an email invite from denies it firmly. Many media officials have characterized this couple as publicity hounds, stating this was all for show.

I don't believe anything that this couple is trying to say about how they thought they were invited. Why would they be invited? This is a special dinner. I believe they are trying to get the publicity through this whole thing, and maybe land themselves a new TV show. The scary part about this is the fact that they got through as the major security stops, somehow, as far as to shake the hand of the president himself. I think what we need to take out of this event is the security should be tighter. We need to research how they got through, to fill that gap, so no one with more dangerous intentions sneaks through.

For even more information on this weird occurrence please check out Alexa's blog at

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