Friday, December 18, 2009

Henry, 26, dies day after dispute

Cincinnati Bengals receiver Chris Henry has died from injuries he suffered after falling out the back of a pickup truck during what the authorities described as a domestic dispute with his fiancee. Henry has been in trouble with the law before, but the players, even the owner of the team, will tell you that he has left that in the past, and was excelling in his professional career. They also say that he was a lot different than the public say him. Bengals receiver Andre Caldwell went on and said: "People thought he was a bad guy, but he had a big heart." According the call the police got, Henry was in the bed of the truck that was driving fast on a curvy road

This is a very sad story. Not only was Henry a fun football player to watch, that was just coming to his prime, he was a good example of lives that had been turned around. It is a story that we wish had never happened, but unfortunately he was in a despute with his wife, and it happened. We will miss Henry, and we will pray for Henry's family and his entire team.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

All Things Being Unequal- Issue #1

Today, the separation between the top earners and the middle class appears to be growing rapidly. Between the 20 percent of households earning the most, they control about 53.5 percent of the money, and on the other side of the spectrum, the bottom 20 percent earners control only 4.1 percent of the money. The issue now is what we should do to try to solve this growing gap. Do we lessen the tax on lesser earners, like those making about 21,000 a year or even as low as 11,000, and raise it on those making 250,000 or more? Or, do we just hike up the taxes on the CEOs that are making crazy amounts of money, some even making 26 million dollars in one year. Some have criticized the recent CEO pay packages as excessive. At the same time, some people say that we can not tax the more wealthy because their spending is needed to help with the Market-Based Economy. The people that believe to tax the rich, also want to reduce middle and low income taxes to more fairly redistribute the nation's wealth. They also want to add to our safety net programs we have in place. Those opposed to the tax raises, believe that job protecting and trade barriers would reduce business profits and leave less to distribute to employees.

It makes me sad that there is a growing separation between the wealthy and the middle class, but i don't think it is right to punish the wealthy for being successful. Why would someone want to get a raise if it means more taxes? Not everyone was born into that high paying job they have, most have to work very hard to get to where they are. I think that the range making about 250,000 is not above the economic hardships, they may not be able to afford huge tax hikes, but the CEO's making the millions upon millions of dollars can afford tax hikes because most of the time they have good lawyers that get them out of paying the amount of taxes they are supposed to pay. In conclusion, I believe that something needs to happen to stop to separation, but i don't believe we have to right process yet and i have no clue what the right one would look like exactly. I think that if we cap pay, give job protection it will stifle business because there will be less motivation to advance and succeed, which will hurt profits causing people to get less pay which will drastically injure our Market-Based Economy.

Some changes from Bush's cuts, and the good things those cuts did are listed here. (My paste isnt's working so click on here.)
For issue #2 go to Olivia Rice's blog.
For issue #3 go to Steve Carlson's blog.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

'Blind Side' No. 1 at box office

After 3 weeks of following, the Twilight series hit new movie, New Moon, Blind Side sneaks into first place. During the weekend it pulled in 20.4 million dollars, while New Moon sucked in less money, 15.6 million dollars respectfully. Also for Sandra Bullock, this was an amazing movie that shows us all that she is a leader in the field, and will keep getting better. Blind Side eclipsed other movies like, "Christmas Carol" and "Old Dogs" which are sliding as they get older. Also the true lump of coal was the horror comedy "Transylmania," which grossed a lifeless $274,000 from 1,007 theaters. This is an average of 2-3 viewers per showing. With not to much competition, we look for Blind Side to keep up the pace during this holiday season.

With lead actress Sandra Bullock preforming one of her best movie to date, and a story line fit for all ages there is no wonder why "Blind Side" is such a major hit. The movie about a homeless African American teen, seen as dumb by most, was taken in by a loving lady, Sandra Bullock, and is introduced to the game of football. Since he is so big and protective, he excels and turns pro at the end of the movie. I took my student match to this movie when it opened, and we both enjoyed it greatly. It has everything needed to be a good movie, and I cant wait for it to come out on DVD.
For more details about this strong movie visit Alexa's blog at

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tiger Woods cancels tournament appearance

Tiger woods recently said that he will not be attending the tournament he usually hosts, The Chevron World Challenge in southern California, stating the reason to be injuries suffered in his car crash. Woods was injured when he can his Cadillac Escalade into a fire hydrant and a tree, in his gated community, early Friday morning. He has stated he will not play in any remaining 2009 tournaments, but will start in 2010, only a month away. He has taken the blame for this accident and says that his wife acted bravely to save his life, but at the same time he says he and his family are very embarrassed. Woods has rejected meetings with the police three times, and is not, under the law, required to make a statement. Allegations are that Woods has been having an affair with a nightclub hostess, but she has denied it.

I think its a shame that he isn't playing in the upcoming tournaments, for all the tiger fans with tickets, this is a big disappointment. To me all the pieces do not add up, there has to be something else going on. I believe we will soon find out what really happened, and why should would need a golf club to knock out a window to help him in such a minor accident. About the affair, I don't think we should invade his private life, and spread rumors. This should remain a private matter for Tiger and his family, but the paparazzi will never have that.