Tiger woods recently said that he will not be attending the tournament he usually hosts, The Chevron World Challenge in southern California, stating the reason to be injuries suffered in his car crash. Woods was injured when he can his Cadillac Escalade into a fire hydrant and a tree, in his gated community, early Friday morning. He has stated he will not play in any remaining 2009 tournaments, but will start in 2010, only a month away. He has taken the blame for this accident and says that his wife acted bravely to save his life, but at the same time he says he and his family are very embarrassed. Woods has rejected meetings with the police three times, and is not, under the law, required to make a statement. Allegations are that Woods has been having an affair with a nightclub hostess, but she has denied it.
I think its a shame that he isn't playing in the upcoming tournaments, for all the tiger fans with tickets, this is a big disappointment. To me all the pieces do not add up, there has to be something else going on. I believe we will soon find out what really happened, and why should would need a golf club to knock out a window to help him in such a minor accident. About the affair, I don't think we should invade his private life, and spread rumors. This should remain a private matter for Tiger and his family, but the paparazzi will never have that.
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