Thursday, September 10, 2009

Obama projects $900 billion the fix health care

At the start of Obama’s speech he talked about the two ideas of the republicans and the democrats. He does not like the idea of a “single- payer system” like Canada because it makes the government pay for all of the care, but he also does not like the idea of having individuals buy their own insurance. He supported the idea of people pooling their power and money to negotiate better insurance prices on their own. He also stated that the money spent is less than we have spent in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as less than the tax credits given to the wealthy in America. The “Ultimate goal” of Obama’s plan is to ensure coverage for uninsured, and stability of insurance for the people who already have it.

Obama's plan seems like nonsense in my opinion. If we develop a better mapped out plan, and figure out a way to provide insureance to those in need without giving the bill to the same americans that pay a rediculous amount of taxes already, or taking the money we should already be saving from other departments and spending it, we could accomplish this great feat. I do not understand the idea of taking the very slightly flawed insurance system that we have in place which works for millions of americans and risk messing it up. If the government runs the new insurance system as productivly as they run the postal service, this plan may be disasterous for all of us. Also if the $900 billon bill is able to pay for itself by eliminating waste in other departments of government, we should work on saving that money, and end the cycle endless spending leading to unsermountable debt!

To further your reading, and a view of a different opinion on this topic, go to Olivia Rice's blog at

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